
Huumaava aika

Luonto tänään, parhaimmillaan, nyt pitäisi jaksaa olla hereillä öisin, kaikkea tapahtuisi.
Nature's festive, magical season. If one only was able to stay awake these white nights, 
watching, smelling, wondering...

3 kommenttia:

  1. The green of these photos makes me feel so happy!
    I'm glad you've managed to photograph that bunny at the botanic garden - I've seen it before, but wasn't fast enough with my camera! :-)

    1. Nice to hear it, Polly! This is such a lovely season to explore green and leafy spaces. Somehow I like especially the cloudy June days, there is a good spirit in them...

      The hare must be the undergardener :). The previous head gardener used to hunt those "city-rabbits" when their population became a serious thread to garden's horticulture, but this loner must be a brown hare, perhaps they'll let it be :) (I was also glad that the nightingale sang just above my head; usually I just hear them without seeing.)

    2. Oh, it is actually a hare then! How beautiful! I hope I'll see it again soon!
