
Meri savuaa / Sea smoke

Vihdoinkin, -17°C (tuntuu kuin -25°C). Kylmenee vielä.
Turistit saivat ilmeisesti rahoilleen vastinetta Helsingin rannoilla tänään:
merisavut kirvoittivat ihastuneita ja hämmästyneitä huokaisuja,
pakkanen kirpaisi ihmeellisesti kuten näin pohjoisessa talvella pitääkin.
Greetings from Siberia Helsinki! Sea smoke is a beautiful weather & marine phenomenon which was witnessed today: the open Baltic sea was steaming when it was kissed by freezing air. Snowfall came and blurred the whole horizon in the afternoon. Unfortunately I made it to the island (Suomenlinna) only at 2 pm: photo weather would have been perfect at the noon. Still: an extremely beautiful day.

Lumisade saapui ja sekoittui horisontissa merisavuihin.
It's Mordor calling...

2 kommenttia:

  1. Vastaukset
    1. Thank you, Polly! It was a magical weather and landscape. Tourists on the ferry were amazed, and so was I! :) (I didn't notice your comment until now, Blogger did not tell! :/)
